Back in Berlin
Hey, hey, hey.
Since yesterday I am back in Berlin, staying at Komila's and enjoying my temporary return to Germany. I could already feel back at home when in Aachen yesterday early in the morning, where I was laying at the bench and being warmed by the springy sun.
In the evening we prepared yummy and fat blinchiki (due to Komila's natural generousity with flour), degustated some wine and danced at Tango Loft. In the late morning wounded myself and ever hungry Komila almost finished blinchiki and made up a genious To-Do list not to end up browsing the web for the whole day. Well, what do you think am I doing now?
Am sitting for the whole day in the GBZ Computer Center with Komila, reading and responding thousands of my fans' e-mails and trying to figure out my way back to Brussels.
It a bit sucks, just a minute ago I have asked Komila, what are we going to eat this evening. Damn this Komila, she hasn't even got one bloody tomato pasta:(
hey nafisaaaa!!
Welcome to the weblog world! you joined the blogspot eventually! btw, I just wanted to say i really like your picture and the tag line on your blog, i think they reflect the real you! =P nevertheless, happy to have you around nafisa.. =)
Brussels? How could you hate Brussels? It's the capital of the land of chocolate. That's reason enough to love it for me :D
I think we need to get rid of some of this negative energy emanating from your blog. Where's the happy, smiling Nafisa we know and love? Bring back the smiles.
Hugs xx
hey folks!
yeah, i feel like a caveman here, i mean in the blog. well, but everytime i dont feel like doing what has to be done, i just develop my blogging skills.
thanks for the comments,
Lu, Brussels? well you are right about the chocholate. but i mean i am happy that brussels exists, and produces chocholate, well one can buy belgian chocolate even in aldi. so one doesnt really have to live there for that reason. but oh well, i know i am being a bit negative. but currently i am in berlin, and enjoying the city. i enjoy brussels as well sometimes. but i guess this is the matter of duration, have to be there for almost 3 months. well, but, Lu, you are right, supposedly my next post in the next week will tell more about my love and admiration of brussels.
is it okay that i am leaving comments on my own blog? i mean commenting on my own blog?
Hey, it's your blog, you may use it as you wish. Looking forward to the next 'positive' posting :P
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