Wednesday, 2 May 2007

keep learning...

I’ve learnt on 2.05.07 that…

  • I don’t like my new room, where I have moved in just today.
  • There are several BoMCAs like BoMCA1, BoMCA2, BoMCA3 and 4 and 5, which show phases. Well, BoMCA is a Border Management in Central Asia proramme launched by the European Commission in the year 2003 and is supposed to be implemented in the period of 2004-2009 in Central Asia. This is mainly technical support, like supply of equipment necessary for border controls in BCPs (border crossing points) and airports, training of trainers, legal assistance, creation of local dog units and so forth. This programme involves various international organizations. UNDP is a main executing agency, because it has political representation and operational capacity in all five ‘Stans’, it also provides 10% cost-sharing contributions; ICMPD – the International Centre for Migration Policy Development, based in Vienna, provides legal assistance and IBM training, IBM stands for European style integrated border management; IOM supports border control issues, esp. at the airports; UNODC – profiling and search techniques; UNHCR – asylum rights and human rights; the regional office of BOMCA programme is in Bishkek.
  • Umida Niyazova was convicted of distributing Islamic extremist propaganda and was sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment;
  • Japan wants Kazakhstan to boost its supply of uranium from 1% to 30-40%, not bad, huh. Japan is seeking for cooperation in exploring and developing oil, natural gas, uranium and so forth in Uzbekistan.
  • Uzbekistan launched a large-scale campaign in the media against Tajik aluminum plant expansion, saying that the emissions from the tajik plant are inflicting serious environmental damage to the agriculture and people’s health
  • There is an interstate commission for water coordination in Central Asia (ICWC), and they had a meeting on the 24th of April to talk about water being a common property…

1 comment:

Lu said...

Hey Nafisa,
Thanks for your msg. Will be in GB until 15th May, then back in Fulda until August, hoping to get my thesis done ASAP. We'll see how that goes...
How's thing with you? Hope your new flat is growing on you and that you keep posting facts on your blog, I always feel more intelligent after I have stopped by and learnt all about Central Asian stuff.