Wednesday, 18 July 2007

need advice

I have to start writing my thesis, i have piles of things to read, and i have a long list of things to be found and read; and something inside me and outside says i have to start writing this bloody thesis, and stop speculating too much. but HOW? does anyone know? people, who have experienced writing, can you please give some advice? i badly need it.

1 comment:

Mister Ghost said...

Hello Nafisik,
I hope you are well.

Hmmm. Tough question.

It's very hard to start writing, once you've done a ton of research, because the task at hand seems so monumental, as you have so much material to slog through.

But the first thing you should do, is have a title for for your thesis, so your thoughts are somewhat coalesced (together) concerning the subject material.

It's also sometimes helpful to write an outline - this helps to define what is and what isn't included in the Thesis.

Then pretend like you are authoring a book - break each section of the thesis down into chapters.

Work on each individual chapter,
until they are finished or if you
get flummoxed or discombobulated
and can't write any further, move on to another chapter.

Because, as you're working on something new, thoughts pertaining
to the old subject material will pop in to your head and offer a solution.

Take breaks, avoid burning your self out. Find distractions that will make you laugh, as that will ease tensions.

Any ways, do not despair, you will write your thesis and it will be very good.

Take Care, Nafisik.