Wednesday, 25 July 2007

last day in Brussels

tonight at 23:oo the eurolines bus will take me away from brussels to berlin. yeah, at last? well, actually it is a little sad. i met some people in the last two days, which made me think, i could spend a bit longer time, there are so many interesting people around. and berlin and everything which is awaiting me is far from being quiet and peaceful. it will be emotional, seeing my family in about 2 weeks. i bought the ticket by the way, and if you are lucky to be still young and 24 you can get the ticket (Mos-Tas-Berlin) for only 465,07 €. then all my visions about my border research..., this is going to gtake quite a lot of time, energy and heat-resistance. for tomorrow, in berlin, i have millions of things to do. i hope i will be fit enough for that.
well, yeah, have to save documents on a CD now, and go packing. and people who know me very well, they know that i usually carry stones, kilogrammes of books and reading material. i cant help it. i did get rid of about 25% of things. but i am in the process of thesis writing, i need my readers.

okay, i stop now, and start getting ready to leave this, now sunny city.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

need advice

I have to start writing my thesis, i have piles of things to read, and i have a long list of things to be found and read; and something inside me and outside says i have to start writing this bloody thesis, and stop speculating too much. but HOW? does anyone know? people, who have experienced writing, can you please give some advice? i badly need it.

Monday, 16 July 2007

going mad in brussels

i dont know what to do with my frustration.
there are many things i dont like about brussels. but hallo, i was trying to like it. i was trying not to blame every shit on this city, but sometimes i just want to let my frustration off something. sorry this is the time.
3 times have i been to ULB library here, each time i was almost exploding with anger and frustration. i wont tell you about previous times, this will just kill me.
this time, everything started at the tramstop. tram 94, the one i need, didnt show up, i had to wait 20 minutes, so i just took 92 to Louise hoping to get 94 from there, maybe this tram is too lazy to come to Congres. well, thank god it appeared after another 25 minutes of waiting. when i was at the library, and found one of the 3 books, someone in french declared something, but from the tone of the voice i could feel, that this is nothing nice like "nafisa here is your book feel free and study". it was 17:00, and the library is shut at this time. i hurried downstairs (there is the machine where u scan the books, just like in fulda)to borrow the ones i found. but, this machine is turned off at 16:30, and i have to go back tomorrow to take those books. isnt it amazing???!!! i just couldnt help looking aggressive at a nice smiling face of the gentleman. i forced myself to say thank you, and have something like a smile on my face. all i wanted to do is scream at his face, but damn it is not his fault, this weirdest library, i have every seen, shuts so early.
it is pouring now. enough summer folks!

Monday, 9 July 2007


Somehow semi-consciously i got into the plain, which took me to Prague, with no cash in my pocket, and thoughts in my head all about my laptop being in the luggage, which i had to check in, and my precious thesis thoughts under the risk of getting ruined in it.
when i arrived, i realized i didnt know where to go. i knew i was staying in the dorm, i didnt know the name of the dorm, nor the name of the university it belonged to, nor the name of the street it was situated on. i had nothing. i set down, unpacked my backpack. aha, what have i got here, cool, the dorm is close to the restaurant, where we gonna have breakfast, Na farme (which, as i've learnt later, meant on the farm) Kamycky 129, Praha 6. i showed this piece of paper to various people trying to speak russian, english and german to them, some of them spoke none, some did speak english, but they didnt know where it was. i found a lady in the information desk, she searched in her computer for a while, and then took a piece of paper and wrote something, and starting explaining to me in a manner my english teacher in the sixth form used to teach us to pronounce sentences, very slowly and monotoneously. i enjoyed these 7 minutes, which felt like an eternity.
found the bus. bought the ticket 20 CHK. it was a good strategy to find the dorm through the restaurant.

another funny thing was the story with a cash-machine. i was overly happy to find not only one but three cash machines all situated in 20 centimeteres from each other. i inserted my card. wow, it worked. but what the hell is that?! 200 CHK, 500 CHK 1000 CHK 1500 CHK, is it a lot? how much do i need? how much does one need? how much is 200 CHK? well i withdrew 500, but later i had to go back to withdraw more, because it turned out to be only 20 euro.
i was supposed to get off in the Namesti something (means Square), the lady in the information desk wrote that. i couldnt properly read her handwriting, even if i could i didnt know how to pronounce it properly, so i just showed my little piece of paper to the driver. he said he knew the place. we were driving and driving, fewer and fewer people left in the bus, in a while i noticed we were out of town. the bus stopped, and the driver looked at me giving the sign that that was the square. i got off with the confused feeling about czech architecture. all i could see was a huge field and a lady crossing road. she couldnt speak none of the languages i can speak. i can speak a lot (in comparison to the average) but damn this is so little at times. well anyway, she sent me in a different direction. it took me almost an hour to go back to right place. i somehow found it. there were many kind people who sincerely tried to help this poor little girl with a heavy luggage (so typical me).
got to know the people, some central asians, some australians, canadians, and eastern europeans. a nice team. after a nice dinner, i went to the dormitory, which is a real luxury. loads of furniture, it has a really home-like feeling, pretty cosy.

had a nice walk in the prague city centre, and in the charles bridge. so far i like the city a lot... and people seem to be very happy with their lives...
hi to everyone from rainy but still lovely prague

Monday, 25 June 2007


I was talking with my trukish colleagues the other day, and we spoke of games, and they remembered backgammon, and started counting in persian, and wondered how come they used these words and not other... here is what i found on history of games like chess and backgammon...

Chess is first mentioned in texts dating from the early centuries of the common era, when the Sasanian dynasty ( A.D. 224-651) ruled all of Mesopotamia, Iran, and much of Central Asia. The Sasanians wrote in the language known as Middle Persian, ancestral to the modern Persian spoken today in Iran and adjacent countries.
One of the few surviving literary texts in Middle Persian is The Explanation of Chess and Invention of Backgammon. Although written sometime in the ninth century, it describes events from the sixth century and probably preserves an oral tradiion. From this text we learn of a fateful visit to the court of the great Sasanian ruler Khusraw I (reigned 531-579), who is the "king of kings" mentioned in the story.

They say that, in the reign of Khusraw of the Immortal Soul, a chess game (16 counters of emerald and 16 counters of rud ruby) was sent by Dewisharm, great ruler of the Indians, to test the intelligence and wisdom of the Iranians and to see to his own profit... In a letter had been written: "Since you are named as king of kings, as king of kings over us all, it is necessary that your wise men be wiser than ours. [It is so] if you explain the rationale of this chess; otherwise you send tribute [and] taxes!"
According to the story, the Persian king asked for four days to respond to Dewisharm's challenge. None of the wise men of his realm came forth to offer a solution, until on the third day Wuzurg-Mihr rose to his feet and announced that he could easily explain the rationale of the chess. In addition, he would devise and send Dewisharm something the Indian ruler "will not be able to explain" and so demand a tribute in addition to the one now before the Persian king. As Wuzurg-Mihr deduced:
Dewisharm has fashioned this chess like a battle in meaning: He has made the kings like two princes, the chariots to left and right like the van, a general like the commander of the warriors, the elephants like the commander of the body guards, the horses like the commander of cavalry, the foot-soldiers like the very infantry at the front of the attack.
Wuzurg-Mihr then played three games of chess with the Indian sage who had brought the chess set, and won three victories. The tribute accompanying the game - 1,200 camel loads of gold, silver, jewels, pearls, and robes, and 90 elephants - was given to the Persian king.

Friday, 15 June 2007


there is an amazing person in this world, who was named after one afghanistani female warrior - nafisa. i believe the name in one way or another determined the way of her life, her choices and aspirations, her ideas and commitments, her feelings and hopes...

i am the lucky person to know this person and to feel that wherever she is, we think of each other, we need each other, we share the ideas, dreams, joys and sorrows. its an amazing feeling being in one part of the world to know that there is always someone, who will support you despite anything...

the fortune was very generous to give these two teens a chance to meet back at school, where each of them got from rather small cities due to different circumstances. they were happy to converse for hours, to revelate on very complicated philosophical issues, to share the results of drawing, poetical and musical efforts, to discover each others' universes and to argue on any possible topic.

the fortune was very generous to give them more than one chance to meet in hardly-possible-to-dream destinations and to learn more about each other, to share the learnings of the boundless world and see each other growing and becoming experienced...

этот маленький и настолько дорогой мне человечек многому меня научил: никогда не сдаваться, не жалеть о поступках, не бояться, а любить препятствия, всегда давать людям шанс, радоваться каждому дню и стремиться к переменам... and there wasnt a day, when i didnt think how lucky i am to have this person in my life.

love, miss and somehow in a very sensitive state of mind:)

Monday, 11 June 2007

recent photos

Once upon a time, recently, we had a barbecue on our warehouse roof. warehouse - is where i am living at the moment, it has 16 residents from all over europe, and two non-european (including me) who do internships in Brussels.

Thursday, 7 June 2007

the Emperor of Hearts

Just loved this song!

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

was away

Hey everyone,

i was out of brussels for a week. it was gorgeous. Back to Germany, Fulda. conference with many smart heads from former soviet space, reunions, tough debates, nice convos, bloody brilliant to be back to fulda for a while, with so many compatriots (i mean CIS)
back in Brussels... started raining immediately after i got off the train, in the morning i could hear loud noises, traffic, someone screaming something in french... rain dropping on the window... i woke up, in brussels.
new week in brussels: caught a cold, feeling rubbish, trying to work from home, on the same thesis, with less and less enthusiasm
top: last tuesday, reception of the Uzbek embassy... enjoyed watching various uzbek national dances, and eating uzbek national food... (bloody word 'national', i start disrespecting this word)

Monday, 14 May 2007

issues on my mind:

workshop on EU's external borders. the first panel. very interesting. i could follow. many specialists, scientists and practitioner from all over europe;
discussed are: what are the borders? do we need borders? where do borders begin? border control, borders as areas of insecurity, migration as a threat, and activities of many fancy organisations like frontex and bla bla bla... well quite interesting and useful for my thesis.
well the second panel is still going, and i cant be bothered to go. it is an interesting issue, no doubt. but i am dying for sleep at the moment, and working hard on myself, on the way to convince myself to go at least to the third panel.

it's my bro's birthday today. he is going to be 20. 20???? i cant believe it.
Thesis: have to work, and it doesn't work to work...
i dream to sleep, the whole eternity... okay, at least an hour.
i want to see my nieces and dance with them.
want to laugh with kamila.
want my thesis to be written already.
want more energy.
want really nice uzbek strawberries and sweet cherries
want to go hoooooooooome... (be it here in brussels, or in germany or in uzbekistan)

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Just to make u smile;)


I don't want to descredit u by any means. I know u are a serious girl and wouldn't really post anything like this next to your serious political learnings. But that's just to make u smile. Just delete it afterwards.

Muramtuba and mptschya:*
Have a nice eve!

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

what a shame....

i havent posted since may 2, does it mean i haven't learnt anything since then? I have revised my concept of posting my newly acquired knowledge, can't be bothered with that. i am sure it isn't the most interesting thing to read either. well, the idea of keeping the track of everyday learnings is not bad actually, but it is the style which is important i guess.

... since May 2, 2oo7...
When was it actually? well my calendar says i have reserved that week for Barcelona. Right, i was supposed to be a co-chair in an international conference, CMUN, catalonian model United Nations. i think it was a great success. on the May 1, i decided not to go to Barcelona.

- may 1, 2oo7 -
Day of Labour! da budet labour! remember tiny flags, balloons, and crowds of pioneers, who i intensely envied, and loads of ice cream... that was about 17 years ago...
well may 1, 2007 doesn't resemble my memories of may 1 17 years ago. instead of getting in the bus to barcelona (about 21 hours of journey) i got in the train to Luxembourg, but got out in Aalst, a Flemish town about 28 minutes from Brussels. there i met some flemmish and german friends. it's a farely big house with a huge garden, well it seemed huge to me, because it has been ages since i last saw a garden in Europe.
Garden: narrow and long construction with loads of plants and flowers and smells; a table with chairs, a pool with the fish, well long minutes were spent in search of a fish, and still i could see none. but roemer was convinced there were some tiny ones in there, and a big one to be barbecued. the condition was: i had to fish it out. well, i don't know if it lies on my eyesight or the bad quality of my lenses but i couldn't see any and have never fished a fish. back to the garden: invisible fish, and trees, yeah many trees, chicken and millions, seriously, millions of ants. one of the inhabitants of this wonderful house has a very interesting hobby: ants, he builds constructions with paths for the ants where they live; he then buys ugly bugs to feed his ants, and there are dozens of ants colonies there. he deliciously explained how he feeds his ants: he beheads a bug first, then cuts it into quarters and voila meal is ready.
i have to stop describing the garden. to put it short, it is a beautiful place. i had a nice time relaxing there, and reading a bit for my thesis, then we barbecued... and slept in a tent. was cool, temperaturewise and emotionally, i could observe the moon and the stars, and listen to the trees and animals, i have almost forgotten how natural it is to be surrounded by so much natural noise :)

- may2 -

7:00 am, get in the car. train station - get out the car. say bye and thanks for the hospitality. get in the train. brussels, gare du midi, get out the train. walk home. terrible room. clean it. 10:00 - off to work.

in the evening.
barbecue! you think welcoming party? no, b-day party. can't remember whose. but it takes place on the roof. it means my room, namely my window, serves as a passage for my 16 house mates and all their friends. lovely to meet everyone. remember, at about 9 am i cleaned my room. doesn't matter anymore. nice french music, europeans all over... didnt try the food, by the way. end of the day.

- may 3 -

nothing to report

-may 4 -

one of the most horrible days since i am in brussels. why? ahhmm, i don't know really. apathy. no desire to work, no reason to work, doesn't seem like i am ever gonna finish my thesis. and what then? life sucks and stuff. i was terribly down. i remember, when i was young, woohow :), everytime i felt down i just cried and then felt refreshed, now, i just feel crap.
in the evening
2 parties.
party #1
BORING. few smart commission interns discussing democritization in latin america... soon left the party. by the way we were the package of 6 people: A-male, B-male , C-male, D-female and E-female and of course F-me.

on the way to the party #2
we moved down to the tube, bought tickets... and?!... it was too late. no metro at 01:00... cool!... have to take a taxi, or two. but this is not the end of the story. we were soon locked in the metro station. D, E and C were quick enough, but A, B and F, we were locked in. i have never seen anything like that. huge gates were dividing us. A found a box for SOS message. the guy spoke french. we somehow explained that we were locked in. we somehow understood or hope that we understood that he promised to send someone. the rest of the group couldnt wait for us. they wanted us to climb over and go to the party number two.
- but please, come on let's wait. the guy promised to send people, its not gonna take long, just few minutes...
- or few hours, said D.
- come on, let's try, said A.
B was the first one to try, well he managed it. now only A and F were left in the madou station. all five pairs of eyes were staring at F now.
- no, noway, it's too high for me, and i am in a skirt, and i have no desire to climb up this monsterous gates, and i dont really want to go the party really. viel spass and lasst mich alleine.
and then i could hear nothing, because all of them were like:
- ohh, iooooooh, come on, we dont look, we help you,, ohhh, ahh and stuff.
i felt attacked. but... God sent some saviors for me. well maybe it was the guy on the SOS box, doesnt matter really. five armed men were standing behind us; they had a little magic key to set us free.
we got on a taxi and went to the party, which was a huge huge disco, and really hundreds of 'smart' interns. danced till 5 in the morning...

-- may 5 --

tour around brussels, houses style nouveau. museum style nouveau, nice houses by the way. visited horta museum. the house is gorgeous. cafe a la russe. didnt schmeck really.
in the evening.
i made some dolmas, with wine leaves from an armenian shop. tasted really good.

-- may 6 --

boring. tried to force myself to study a bit. didn't succeed.

-- may 7 --

lets skip it, i cant remember if there was anything interesting on that day

-- may8--
was it yesterday? what did i do yesterday? well, read a paper about US Afghanistan policy, and dreamt that i was a daughter of the president. not karimov's, but rather, that my dad was somehow a president. i have to phone home and ask if he is considering to be a candidate for presidency, if yes have to convince him not to do so. rather stressful dream tho.


eto denj pobedi!

got a card from the university library, costs 12.50 bloody euro. i like conversing with people who speak french and cant speak english... it's funny, i enjoyed it today. i didnt have my carte d'identite, but i still got the library card.
a sentence said by one of my colleagues made me laugh: "... i was in love, and bloody fool, when 18, i thought i was in love forever... "

in the evening

planning to go to the cinema. Eurocine 27 - european film festival with 27 films from all over EU.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

keep learning...

I’ve learnt on 2.05.07 that…

  • I don’t like my new room, where I have moved in just today.
  • There are several BoMCAs like BoMCA1, BoMCA2, BoMCA3 and 4 and 5, which show phases. Well, BoMCA is a Border Management in Central Asia proramme launched by the European Commission in the year 2003 and is supposed to be implemented in the period of 2004-2009 in Central Asia. This is mainly technical support, like supply of equipment necessary for border controls in BCPs (border crossing points) and airports, training of trainers, legal assistance, creation of local dog units and so forth. This programme involves various international organizations. UNDP is a main executing agency, because it has political representation and operational capacity in all five ‘Stans’, it also provides 10% cost-sharing contributions; ICMPD – the International Centre for Migration Policy Development, based in Vienna, provides legal assistance and IBM training, IBM stands for European style integrated border management; IOM supports border control issues, esp. at the airports; UNODC – profiling and search techniques; UNHCR – asylum rights and human rights; the regional office of BOMCA programme is in Bishkek.
  • Umida Niyazova was convicted of distributing Islamic extremist propaganda and was sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment;
  • Japan wants Kazakhstan to boost its supply of uranium from 1% to 30-40%, not bad, huh. Japan is seeking for cooperation in exploring and developing oil, natural gas, uranium and so forth in Uzbekistan.
  • Uzbekistan launched a large-scale campaign in the media against Tajik aluminum plant expansion, saying that the emissions from the tajik plant are inflicting serious environmental damage to the agriculture and people’s health
  • There is an interstate commission for water coordination in Central Asia (ICWC), and they had a meeting on the 24th of April to talk about water being a common property…

Monday, 30 April 2007

weekend out of Brussels

Parlez-vous anglais? - i asked
Non! - the man answered through the window.
Ahhhm, je besoin deux Billet a Libramont... on Saturday i bought my first ticket to Libramont in french. well, it proved that in emergency cases, i remember all the forgotten words and even speak french. I went to Libramont (about two hours on train from Brussels) to sit there in a cafe for a while and read notes of the commission on EU-Russia relations, well a friend of mine was reading loud, and i was listening and drinking my Jus d'orange. in a while a number of other friends appeared there. and we were supposed to drive to Chiny, just on the french Border. the car is small and we were five people, and nafisa, given her small size, was supposed to squash herself in the middle, well but i was fun. i enjoyed it.

why Chiny?
we are going to canoe there. we rented 3 canoes, and i learnt to paddle. we had to paddle about 8 km in a beautiful river Semois. Honestly, it was one of the most beautiful places i have ever seen. I enjoyed the time with the guys and am very thankful to them for having such a great idea. i start liking Belgium.

Keep learning...

I liked the following quote of Rory Stewart who traveled across Afganistan from Herat to Kabul:

We need to be considerably more realistic about Afghanistan. We are in danger of pursuing utopian fantasies that have no connection to either our own capacity or knowledge, or the capacities and desires of Afghans. The international community is simultaneously trying to fight the Taliban, create a liberal democracy, exterminate narcotics, create a strong central government throughout the country and defend human rights. Very few of these objectives are credible or possible. There is a surreal gap between the language of the international community and our performance. We need to be honest about the limits of our own power and knowledge.

Friday, 27 April 2007

27th didnt do much, didnt learn much.. :(

I downloaded tonnes of files and policy briefs of UNDP in Uzbekistan. I dont know when i will read them :(
I learnt that there are EU-funded projects called BOMCA and BOMAF, which are executed by UNDP. BOMCA stands for Border Management in Central Asia.
i learng that Kazakhstan has become so rich and want to support Kyrgyzstan by providing 100 million US dollars calls for stability. Very nice of them.
Kyrgyzstan wants integration as soon as possible, if other Stans still doubt Kyrgyzstan is ready for Kaz-Kyr Union.
i didnt tell about my new room, well i saw it only once, hopefully today i will sign the contract :) pay :(, and the describe it... and maybe attach some photos. it is a great house...

might be boring, or too much, u decide if u want to read...

What I have learnt on 25.04.2007:
i. Steinmeier’s sentence: ‘President Yeltsin turned his eyes towards Europe and opened Russia to the world’
ii. EU-Troika is, I guess, three ministers of the EU:
1) German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter STEINMEIER
2) EU High Representative Javier SOLANA,
3) EU Commissioner for External Relations Benita FERRERO-WALDNER.
In the web-site of ministry of foreign affairs of Germany this is as follows:Die EU-Troika – bestehend aus Bundesaußenminister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier als Vertreter der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft, dem Hohen Repräsentanten der EU für die Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, Dr. Javier Solana, und EU-Kommissar Olli Rehn
iii. The new EU Central Asia strategy is going to cover following areas:
- rule of law, human rights, democratization
- education
- energy and transport
- environment
- trade and economic cooperation
- regional security: border protection, drug-trafficking, and organized crime
- EU Council Minister, Steinmeier calls this a “farsighted security policy”

iv. There is such a term/concept as Middle East Quartet which is comprised of EU, UN, US, Russia, none of which situate in Middle East, well except for UN, it is worldwide. This is a strange way of cooperation of states and international organizations, well UN and the some other powers. Wiki says it’s a foursome of nations and international and supranational entities involved in mediating the peace process in Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I wonder why they have no non-western organization or state there, some representatives of Arab world would diversify this Quartet and make it more credible.

v. Gulf Cooperation Council or also Cooperation Council for the Arab states of the Gulf, comprises Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. It is a trade bloc which was created in 1981.
Among the stated objectives are:
· formulating similar regulations in various fields such as economy, finance, trade, customs, tourism, legislation, and administration;
· fostering scientific and technical progress in industry, mining, agriculture, water and animal resources;
· establishing scientific research centres;
· setting up joint ventures;
· encouraging cooperation of the private sector;
· strengthening ties between their peoples; and
· establishing a common currency by 2010, the Khaleeji.

vi. Viktor Ivanov is an Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, Rashid Nurgaliyev is an interior Minister. Well some ministers of US, EU and Russia met in Berlin in the beginning of march to talk about border management, drugs, situation in Afghanistan and terrorism again without any of the states which are situated in the region, I mean Pakistan, iran, Central Asian states, because it is their borders which have to be managed, because they have immediate borders with Afghanistan.

1) The following sentence is funny: terrorism and organized crime have become global phenomena which affect the US, Russia and the EU alike. Isn’t is ridiculous? These are the less affected states. There is Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and I am sure many more states in the world which have stronger affects of both terrorism and bloody fight against terrorism. US is fighting against terrorism on the territories of other sovereignties violating the latter. All right, I am too emotional now. Have to stop winging.

2) Secretary Chertoff (US) says “terrorists have networks, so should we. There is no doubt about the ambition of terrorists” – is there really? Does really anyone know about the ambitions of terrorists? Have there been serious researches on the nature of terrorism? I think the biggest mistake of many states and international organizations is the tendency to dehumanize terrorists, talking of them as of creatures, evils, non-humans, by labeling them like this we delve into ignorance and will never know why terrorism exists and what provokes those young people to blow up themselves and the others. I agree this isn’t the nice thing to do, this is something scary, but by demonizing this phenomenon and putting too much moral value in that we will never come up with the solution. What is this fight against terrorism? At the end of the day, my impression is, that it is just an attempt to annihilate them, bomb them, destroy infrastructure, civilians’ households, lives… and many more. Has there been any program on how to measure success in war against terrorism? Was it studies enough to know how to fight it? And who to fight? Most of the organizations don’t have a proper definition of terrorism. Various states have various lists of terrorist organizations.

3) Ivanov says terrorists and their supporters need to be brought to justice, what is it? How is it done? Does it mean being tortured? Killed? Or imprisoned for lifelong terms? Does it mean bringing to justice?

vii. Just read quite an optimistic article on Berlin’s new Central Asia text to EU diplomats. The text is 10-pages long, written by German foreign ministry. Didn’t find the text though.

1) Lower political level: regular human rights dialogue and energy dialogue on a bilateral basis. There are plans to open European Commission office in each of the local capitals; greater EU visibility, specific EU presence in Dushanbe; opening of the European Studies Institute in the region is also foreseen.

2) Brussels aims to parachute in ‘judicial and administrative experts’ to help clean the corrupt CA bureaucracies and court systems, while seconding CA officials and businessman to EU administrations and corporations; Erasmus Mundus for students;

3) 750 million Euro aid package on new roads, and water management projects; draft new commercial legislation to steer the states toward WTO accession

4) Future human-rights dialogues will be result-oriented; help build civil society and independent media – e-silk-highway – internet access; support create trade unions

Monday, 23 April 2007

my very first day in CEPS

Back in Brussels. Since Saturday night. went to the park, well it is actually more sophisticated. the place is called king's residence Laeken, and we went to the Serre Royales de Laeken, where the king Leopold II built amazing green hauses in 1873. the amount of flowers and odour made me feel dizzy and wonder if a man could be so much in love with flowers.

My first day in CEPS... is the name of the post actually...
CEPS and the ambassy of lichtenstein share one building which is very close to where i am living now. i had to wait for a lady called Xxxxx Xxxxx to install me properly. in an hour, when i went upstairs and made myself a cup of coffee, she still didnt show up. instead there appeared a man, Mahmoud, from Turkey, a visiting fellow, who was just about to showing me around, when we were on the second floor, by the way there are 3 floors. well, we stopped on the second one; like a bird...
there we met Michael, who said he was going to be out in Washington from 23rd to 25th. I was happy to see him, the only familiar face in the whole bloody think-tank. He cheered me up. I told him about coming conferences in Barcelona and in Fulda, which i was sort of going to attend. he said i was 'free as a bird' status: visiting scholar...

he added, ' u are a visiting scholar in CEPS' and u are here in order to make contacts to people from EU Institutions and conduct your research. i felt a bit weird. i guess i am the youngest being in the organisation. all the other visiting and other research fellows and sholars are pursuing their PhDs and writing interesting stuff about interesting stuff. i feel awkward with them. they are all so serious and old, well not old really but older than me, and scholarly.

...rendez-vous in Ixelles...

too late... i was an hour late, i am sure ICEUSers are not wondering, but i really got lost in this bloody brussels. i did enjoy it though. when i found the place which was, as kamila would say, v zhope u chyornogo (PC-cised), the person i had a rendez-vous with was gone. aaaahhh! but his room-mate with her poor english and me with my poor french conversed a bit on where and when i could have another rendez-vous. she was a great help tho, she took a lot of time and energy to explain that she didnt know his 'time-table' and where he was. well the whole rendez-vous was about a room. i am looking for a place to live in brussels at the moment. have to appoint another rendez-vous tomorrow.

looking forward for tomorrow...

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Back in Berlin

Hey, hey, hey.
Since yesterday I am back in Berlin, staying at Komila's and enjoying my temporary return to Germany. I could already feel back at home when in Aachen yesterday early in the morning, where I was laying at the bench and being warmed by the springy sun.

In the evening we prepared yummy and fat blinchiki (due to Komila's natural generousity with flour), degustated some wine and danced at Tango Loft. In the late morning wounded myself and ever hungry Komila almost finished blinchiki and made up a genious To-Do list not to end up browsing the web for the whole day. Well, what do you think am I doing now?
Am sitting for the whole day in the GBZ Computer Center with Komila, reading and responding thousands of my fans' e-mails and trying to figure out my way back to Brussels.

It a bit sucks, just a minute ago I have asked Komila, what are we going to eat this evening. Damn this Komila, she hasn't even got one bloody tomato pasta:(

Friday, 13 April 2007

I followed Firdavs, Ragil and Kamila and uploaded my face in the net called something my heritage....bla-bla-bla.... well they said they couldnt identify my face, had to do it on my own. then they said they didnt find any matches, well i had to pick another picture. here is the result

My Ever First ... mmm

Well well! Don't really know much how it works, but this is my first try.
Ma face should be somewhere there.